I know you're tired but come.
This is the way.
Don't run away.... Run inward.
I’m Nur Ambreen,
My mission and purpose is to help individuals and families heal, grow, and thrive by guiding them to release invisible wounds, shed false identities, and reconnect with their authentic selves. Through my years of facilitating Family Constellations and deep inner healing work, I’ve witnessed firsthand how generational traumas, and unspoken stories shape our lives. These inherited patterns often create invisible barriers that keep people from experiencing the love, connection, and freedom they long for in their relationships and within themselves.
We live in a time of rapid cultural and societal shifts, where the expectations placed on individuals and families have changed dramatically. Many are navigating these changes without a clear understanding of what healthy roles, relationships, and emotional well-being look like in this new context. Despite what society may label as disconnection or emotional avoidance, I believe that at the core of every person is a deep longing to be seen, heard, and loved. However, the conditioning and coping mechanisms we’ve inherited often cause us to suppress our true selves in an attempt to meet the world’s demands.
By releasing these inherited patterns and unresolved emotions, we create space to reconnect with our true essence. From this place of inner peace and freedom, we can build more meaningful relationships, healthier families, and a life aligned with who we truly are. It’s my life’s work to facilitate this transformation and help people come home to themselves, their families, and their singular soul purpose in this life.

"I Always Lean My Heart As Close To Your Soul As I Can"
- Hafiz
I completed a master’s degree in counselling psychology, five years of trainings in foundational psychotherapies such as Gestalt and Satir Marriage and Family Therapy, Sufi Spiritual Healing work, 3 different energy healing systems, apprenticed with two female shamans for 2 years and finally immersed myself in Family Constellations work which reveals and heals multi- generational traumas, and debilitating ancestral legacies.
The consistent inner work over the years slowly transformed unconscious blocks in my psyche. Getting to the roots of my life issues and internal blocks freed me to be my true self, and live fulfilled.The more conscious I become, the more I experience the deep inner stability, peace and love in connection with the Infinite.
Bert Hellinger, the originator of Family Constellations philosophy and methodology called this work “movements of the soul and spirit.” His inspiration, deep philosophical concepts based on 40 years of empirical research, which his colleagues and students have broadened into many specialties worldwide, has allowed me to take my work deeper beyond the limitations of the mind into the wisdom and guidance of the soul in connection with Source.
I work with people, who like me, want to be free of the pain of their past, the limiting beliefs and debilitating emotions which have stopped them from living fully themselves. Many people are fearful of living who they truly are, because of what it might cost them in their lives in terms of acceptance, belonging and love.
However, for those people who are have reached a point in their lives, where they can no longer tolerate the anxiety, depression, anger, confusion, and overwhelm they’ve been living with for too long, I am the ideal guide and companion to help them get to the root of their painful issues and a resolution of their problems once and for all.
I travel with you on your inner journey of self discovery, at the pace you are comfortable with to resolve and release the root causes of your painful life dilemmas. I am the best friend/fairy godmother and soul mate you’ve never had because my mandate is to help you discover your true beauty, purpose and fulfilment in life as you have visioned it in our initial conversation. I am the expert in helping you find the light of your being, but we travel together as excellent soul companions.
My Story
At the age of 31, my life started again
I am Nur Ambreen Ihsanullah, founder at Soul to Soul counselling, experienced therapist, teacher and spiritual healer for over 30 years now. The people I work with are successful in the external world; they’ve checked all the boxes, taken care of the people in their lives and are often service oriented in their communities, but they have left themselves last in their lives— or forgotten themselves altogether!
It’s usually when a buried, invisible wound is activated, and we hit a pain threshold we can no longer tolerate, that we look for relief. Too often it’s that dramatic wakeup call in our lives that calls us back to ourselves and we are thankfully unable to ignore it.
This same journey started for me with the breakdown of my marriage and divorce. Both my husband and I were in our 30s and well-conditioned to accommodate and contort ourselves to the expectations of family and the external world. We each carried our own buried pain and when our relationship was seriously challenged, were unable to be fully ourselves and with each other in love. The decision to part was shattering for both of us. The dream of happily ever after had yielded to this catastrophic ending in both our lives.
My personal experience and training in traditional talk therapy did not go deep enough to the roots of my issues to provide the pain relief and gateway to reclaiming my authentic self which I wanted and needed. However it did provide enough awareness for me to realize I wanted to stop pleasing and contorting myself to meet others’ expectations in order to get the love and acceptance for which I yearned. I was often told directly what someone thought was wrong about me and indirectly told I was unworthy or insufficient through the criticism I received from those closest to me. Of course, that left me feeling unworthy, insufficient and dispensable.
The good news is that looking for pain relief put me solidly on my life path to “find myself “and more importantly, to accept myself as I am, warts and all! This personal need to know myself, and live authentically with inner peace, confidence and freedom led me onto the Sufi spiritual path for the last 30 plus years.
Ambreen Ihsanullah
Ambreen Ihsanullah is the name I was given at birth by my beloved parents. As my mother used to tell me, Ambreen means the “perfume of paradise.” My father’s name, Ihsanullah means a favour or blessing from God.
Nur is the spiritual name I was gifted by my teacher in the Sufi spiritual tradition. It means the Light of Divine Intelligence. As I actualize this soul vibration in my life, I understand it is my purpose to help you connect deeply with your soul essence and the Infinite, so you may live your purposeful life with the real peace, happiness and the love within you.
Med Counselling Psychology
Gestalt Therapy
Satir Marriage and Family Therapy
Bert Hellinger Family Constellations
Core Belief Engineering
Energy Healing
Sufi Spiritual Healing
Shamanic Healing
My Story
At the age of 31, my life started again
Prior to that year, I was a bystander in my own life – in my career and my relationships. My survival mode and defense strategy was to try to figure out what other people expected from me, adapt and provide! People pleaser par excellence. Then my marriage imploded. It was the wake-up call I needed to realize this fundamental fact. If I had any hope of having the life and love I REALLY wanted, I needed to put myself at the centre of my own universe and live my soul mission.
As a passionate people person, teaching, counselling and supporting people with their life issues is my life purpose and privilege. Prior to that year, I was a bystander in my own life – in my career and my relationships. My survival mode and defense strategy was to try to figure out what other people expected from me, adapt and provide! People pleaser par excellence. Then my marriage imploded. It was the wake-up call I needed to realize this fundamental fact. If I had any hope of having the life and love I REALLY wanted, I needed to put myself at the centre of my own universe and live my soul mission.
My formal education, training, and experience in holistic psychotherapies is grounded in Gestalt Therapy and Satir Transformational Family and Marriage Therapy. Additionally, Core Belief Engineering, Family Constellations, Shamanism, Spiritual Healing, as well as several energy healing modalities and my own soul guidance, reinforce my belief that we humans are spiritual beings having an earthly experience.
“I have been a seeker, and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul.”
– Rumi
My Approach to Counselling
My approach is humanistic, holistic and locates the individual within their family system, ancestral lineage and singular soul and spiritual light connected to the Infinite.
We are greater and more profound than the sum of our individual aspects. Over the years, the synergy of all my education, trainings and experience has led me to hone a unique process which connects with the deeper intelligence within us and goes well beyond traditional talk therapy to get to the root of any problem, whether in the area of family, intimate relationships, work, health or finances and resolve it once and for all.
Soul to Soul Counselling integrates mind, body, and soul, to transform what was experienced as a debilitating issue into a strength and resource deep within yourself.
Benefits to Working with Me
The most important benefit you will attain is to remember, recover and reclaim your essential self. When you are connected to yourself and your soul’s guidance, you have the internal resources, calm, clarity and confidence you need to live life authentically and make your satisfying contribution in the world.
My work and life experience have shown me that our pain, conflicts and difficulties in life are primarily the result of a disconnect from our essential self and soul guidance. We are all conditioned by our society, culture, family and primary caregivers — mother and father. Unfortunately, for many, the conditioning is detrimental to healthy growth and development.
Life lives through all of us and despite the best upbringing, life brings challenges and experiences which may be wounding.
Life can be overwhelming and debilitating without the support necessary to live an authentic and fulfilling life.
Family and friends all have their own perspectives to offer. However, a skilled and empathetic soul companion and guide, who is consistently doing her own inner growth work, will facilitate your reconnection with the light of your inner intelligence and guidance to leave you strong, secure and satisfied deep within yourself.
Discover the Five Pillars of Your Transformational Journey
Our process is rooted in Awareness, Attunement, Alignment, Appreciation, and Acceptance. Each pillar illuminates a step toward healing, growth, and reconnection with your true self.
You will learn how to tune into your mind, body, and emotions and be present in the moment so you can be aware of what is really happening inside you and in your life.
We are often taught to repress our emotions and deep inner knowing. So we end up living a false reality. With awareness comes a whole new embodied perspective. Awareness in the present moment, allows us to manage both our inner world and the outer landscape in authenticity.
You will learn how to feel your feelings and recognize the deeper nuances of what is going on under the surface when you are stressed, anxious, angry or upset.
You will likely find that there are very real reasons you feel the way you do and when you understand these reasons we can work consciously to validate what is true and resolve what has stopped serving you.
You will learn how to respond to happenings in your life while staying in alignment with your new realizations, perspectives and acceptance of yourself.
You will begin to respond in awareness, expressing your truth with confidence and clarity. You will experience growing congruence in how you feel think and behave.
You will learn how to appreciate every part of yourself that is there to help you survive and thrive! There may be parts of you that you’re afraid of, that you’re ashamed of, or have other negative feelings toward. You may have had experiences which have left you feeling confused, angry, guilty or ashamed.
Once you understand and resolve the root cause of your feelings, you’ll be able to accept and love yourself as you are in the moment and moving forward.
You will learn to let go of who you think you are supposed to be or how you think things are supposed to be in your life and accept “what is.” Deep peace lies in this shift back to the real you.
You will live from the well of soul guidance within you and shine the unique light of your soul essence into the world that is waiting for the real you!
Together we will work on these five pillars to help you achieve lasting change. When all five pillars are strong, transformation happens naturally.
“Lose yourself completely, return to the root of the root of your own soul” – Rumi
Enough with your doubts!
Enough with your sorrows!
Let them all go,
And I will show you the way.