"The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires."

– Rumi

What Clients Say About Their Transformation

Real Stories of Healing, Growth, and Connection

I wanted to say a Huge Thank You to Ambreen. Ever since I started to work with Ambreen my life and my experiences have transformed immensely in a positive way only.​.

The amount of self confidence, self esteem, self respect, and self love is enormous and even more beautiful is that it comes from you, it comes from within yourself. Ambreen helped me to get in touch with my own self, my spirit, and my own happiness. With Ambreen’s help I have learned to be myself again, to be true feminine and enjoy the beauty of everyday life. Ambreen’s approach to heal and connect with your inner self is literally making a miracle in one’s life. I must admit as much resistance I had against Family Constellations it made a significant difference in my relationships, especially close family relationships (mother and father). Constant inner work combined with Ambreen’s techniques healed my relationship with my mother to the point where we became almost best friends. I am in complete WOW. My life has become my treasure box and I do enjoy it much more nowadays. The amount of self confidence, self esteem, self respect, and self love is enormous and even more beautiful is that it comes from you, it comes from within yourself. I don't look any more into other people to make me happy, to make me smile, to make me travel with. I do all these by myself, and I am happier than ever. So, please do not wait, make an appointment and call Ambreen to get a free and complimentary assessment and start with healing. It works wonders!!! Thank you Ambreen
Mirjana Spanovic.

"I have been able to release a lot of pent up trauma and emotional wounds...​

When I decided to see Ambreen, I was experiencing the mental and physical exhaustion that comes with chronic stress and I wasn’t sure what to do. I felt a lot of rage, isolation and pain from a fraught past and years of tense relationships with loved ones. I best remember feeling overwhelmed, angry, sad, anxious and depressed because I had long been stuck in survival mode, which had me reacting rather than responding. Until I began unpacking my past, I did not understand that my coping mechanism was to dissociate and check out emotionally. Through my work with Ambreen, I learned how to stay more present and actually work things through. I have been able to release a lot of pent up trauma and emotional wounds, which has helped me establish and maintain a more balanced state (both inwardly and outwardly). I was attracted to Ambreen as a counsellor because of her warmth, as well as her approachable and down-to-earth style. She truly is an amazing human being. I discovered Ambreen‘s counselling services in 2018 and learned how to better view things through the lens of others, to be more compassionate with myself and others, and to better manage my emotions. After about a year of work, I felt a lot lighter emotionally and psychologically. I feel more balanced and continue my healing journey with great enthusiasm.

"Before I connected with Ambreen, I was on the journey of living life guided by my authentic self.

On this journey, I reached a point where there was a strain with the relationship between my mom and I. I did not know how to stay in my truth, be my authentic self and have a harmonious relationship with my mom. Hence the motivation to work with Ambreen’s family constellation services as I also sought to release any known and unknown generational trauma. Through family constellation, I understood my mom at a soul level, I understood her, her experiences. This resulted in me wanting to connect with my mom, love and honour her endlessly rather than avoid her or have confrontational conversations. Our sessions led me to honour and accept my mom, dad and love ones as they are, with no expectation or judgement, understanding at a soul level. Through our sessions, I also connected with my inner child/shelf. I actually saw me for me; not the version of me that everyone expected or the version that tried to please others. This led me to explore my authentic self at a deeper level. To stay in, be comfortable and aware of the beauty of stillness, silence, peace, me; to drop into this knowing I am safe in the safety of the present, everything is okay. To question how I feel or how I am with others in situations, turning to me as my compass and being okay with the outcome. Appreciative to have Ambreen as my guide through this very transformation experience.

I felt comfortable with (Ambreen's) empathetic and nurturing aura...

I decided to see Ambreen since I was experiencing some hurt feelings and blocks in love due to my childhood physical and mental abuse from my mother and especially from my estranged father.​ I remember feeling a mix of worry, anxiety and depression about my extended family's story and uncovering the negative emotions I had towards my parents. I was able to work through my "Mother Wound" in respect to her criticism and seeking approval. I had met Ambreen at a previous meditation group and felt comfortable with her empathetic nature and her nurturing aura. I felt safe that my perspective would be respected and her feedback positive or negative would be coming from a "good place". ​ And discovering that she was a local practitioner offering this unique healing service including a therapeutic process, in a community amongst other empaths/light-workers looking for healing and also a safe space to share and learn from others’ family insights was great.

“There has been no method, to date, that I have done that has been as transformative as working with Ambreen and her specialization around family constellations. I started working with her a week after I left my marriage. It was a tremendously difficult time; I felt raw, broken down, confused, and very sad. Her sessions during those first few weeks helped me work through the active trauma of finding a new home and dealing with family lawyers. But once I felt strong enough, we started doing the deeper work. I’ve since come to look at myself, and the profound effect my family has had in my major life decisions and am on the path to discovering my own voice amidst the dozens I’ve listened to in the past. This authenticity of self has created a profound sense of relief and joy in my life. I feel taller in my body as if to say, “this is who I am. I am who I am. And that is enough.” If you feel called to walk your journey, Ambreen is the facilitator to guide you back to yourself.”


“I recommend Nur Ambreen, without hesitation…in her, you will find an exceptional guide and companion to support you on your journey.

Nur Ambreen’s unorthodox approach, with her 2-hour sessions and longer-term commitments, demonstrate she understands something so many therapists do not. The standard “50 minute hour” in the therapy world seems, comparatively, lame. 

With Ambreen, I was able to access and heal parts of my self, my history and trauma in a different way. 

I stand today as someone with a fundamentally different perspective of myself, my family and my place in the world. I feel a sense of connectedness, light and love instead of this vague, low-level feeling of anxiety and separateness. Of course, I still have problems and crappy days. But the foundation is different. I have re-connected with my Soul.

Ian Ayers Kooman