Struggling to Find Love, Connection, and Peace in Your Relationship?

Reconnect with Your Partner and Discover a Path to True Intimacy.
Love Yourself, Love Your Beloved, Love Your Life

Wondering What Happened to Your Happily Ever After?

Couples counselling, as traditionally practiced, often falls short of delivering lasting results. Many couples leave feeling unheard, misunderstood, and stuck in the same patterns that brought them there in the first place.

I take a different approach to couples work.

Through more than 30 years of professional experience, I’ve learned that the challenges couples face in their most intimate relationships rarely originate from what’s happening in the present moment. These struggles have deeper roots—buried in personal histories, unconscious conditioning, and generational wounds passed down through families.

When the honeymoon period ends and everyday life sets in, many couples unconsciously seek from their partners the love and validation they never fully received elsewhere. The challenge arises when both partners are looking to each other to fulfill the same emotional needs. This is where expectations collide, misunderstandings grow, and disappointment sets in.

The reality is that most relationship issues aren’t about the surface-level conflicts that show up in daily life. They’re about old wounds, unresolved pain, and patterns that were established long before the relationship began. Until these deeper roots are uncovered and addressed, lasting change remains out of reach.

That’s why I’ve developed a method that takes couples on a journey far beyond surface solutions. It’s a process that gets to the core of relationship struggles, addressing the emotional, psychological, and generational patterns that keep people stuck in cycles of disconnection.

At the heart of this work is the understanding that healing a relationship requires healing the individuals within it. Each person brings their unique story—their experiences, traumas, and inherited patterns—to the relationship. Without understanding and healing these personal layers, couples remain trapped in the same unresolved dynamics.

I’ve seen, time and again, that the issues we face in our relationships often originate in unhealed aspects of our own inner world. Our emotional wounds, inherited beliefs, and past experiences shape how we show up in our partnerships. These invisible influences can create distance, misunderstandings, and emotional blocks that feel impossible to move past—until we dive deeper to address them.

Through my years of working with couples and facilitating Family Constellations, I’ve witnessed the profound impact that generational healing can have on relationships. The pain, struggles, and unspoken family dynamics that are passed down through generations don’t have to continue. When we become aware of these patterns, we can choose to break the cycle and create new ways of being in relationship—ways that are rooted in love, trust, and true connection.

This process isn’t about finding someone to blame or pointing out who is right or wrong in a relationship. It’s about uncovering the underlying wounds and beliefs that both partners carry and learning how to navigate them together with compassion and understanding.

I believe that the future of healthy, thriving relationships depends on our willingness to look beyond the immediate conflicts and into the deeper emotional roots that shape them.

When we do this work, couples can:

  • Move beyond recurring arguments and conflicts.
  • Break free from generational patterns that no longer serve them.
  • Experience deeper love, intimacy, and connection.
  • Build a foundation of trust, understanding, and mutual growth.

Healing a relationship starts with healing ourselves. When both partners commit to this journey, they unlock a new way of relating—one that fosters peace, love, and fulfillment, not just for themselves, but for future generations.

True transformation is possible when we take the courageous step to go beyond surface-level solutions and explore what lies beneath. This work is my calling, my passion, and my purpose. Helping couples heal, reconnect, and build the loving, lasting relationships they long for is at the heart of everything I do. Because when we heal ourselves and our relationships, we change the world for those who come after us.

"Self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-acceptance, allow for the greatest possibility of living in peace, harmony and true love with our partner."

Men Yearn for Respect!

Men have been conditioned by family and society’s expectations of them, and no matter what they do they feel unappreciated, disrespected, and unloved.

Asking for help has always been taboo for men because you aren’t “supposed to need it.” Yet, no matter how intelligent, successful, or caring you are, everything you do feels like it’s never enough. YOU are not enough.

Men carry invisible burdens — inherited beliefs, generational wounds, and societal pressures that tell them to bear it all in silence. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Men suffer alone because they are:

  • Victims of abuse and trauma as children and carry invisible wounds because they could never tell anyone.
  • Told they’re closed off, yet when they do open up, they are rejected or ridiculed.
  • Expected to provide for their family like their fathers and grandfathers before them and yet are demoralized by criticism at home and at work.
  • Trying to live up to the constantly changing expectations of what it means to be a man, a husband, a father and are
  • Trying their best to satisfy their partners’ desires yet feel like their own needs for affection and love aren’t being met.

If this sounds like what you are experiencing, then you are in the right place.

It’s time to break the cycle, reclaim your worth, and heal the parts of you that long to be seen, valued, and truly loved.

Women Yearn to be Valued!

Women today are overburdened meeting the demands of the modern workplace while carrying the significant responsibility of home, children and intimate relationship while feeling alone, unsupported and devalued despite all their efforts

As a woman, if you are still living with the trauma and wounds of your past experiences and feeling lost, deep sadness or anger you may be ready to commit to your own healing. You deserve to live with peace, joy, and a heart free to love fully.

Becoming the truest, healthiest, happiest version of yourself can seem near impossible when:

  • Your partner is closed off, emotionally unavailable, and not willing to work on things.
  • You’re expected to juggle the demands of raising your children, having a career, and carrying the mental load for the entire family.
  • You are exhausted from trying to keep everyone happy while you aren’t having your own needs met.
  • You want to be intimate with your partner yet you’re too tired or he is too unavailable, so the effort doesn’t even feel worth it.
  • You’re constantly being second-guessed, shut down or dismissed so anger, resentment, even bitterness is growing in
    you and creating barriers in your relationship.

Claim your deep self in a safe and nurturing space. Lead, live and love in freedom and authenticity.

The Soul To Soul Method

The Soul to Soul Method is a transformative journey designed to create deep healing and lasting connection. Rooted in compassion, this method guides individuals and couples to uncover the root causes of their challenges, fostering personal growth and authentic relationships.

Individual Healing

Each individual works privately and confidentially with me to uncover and address the root causes of their personal issues. Through this in-depth process, we focus on understanding underlying patterns, emotions, and behaviors for lasting change.

Couple Reconnection

Once resolved individually, we transition to couple sessions to foster clarity, compassion, and mutual understanding. In these sessions, each partner articulates their needs and works towards creating a stronger, more empathetic bond.

A Unique Path Forward

Together, both partners discover an organic path forward, uniquely their own, without contentious compromise. This approach allows them to build a relationship rooted in mutual respect, shared values, and authentic connection.

Choose the Package that Suits Your Relationship Best

Soul to Soul Counselling offers comprehensive packages designed to foster individual accountability and create a safe space for authentic expression and transformation in relationships. Select from two package types to meet your unique needs:

Is Couples-Only Counselling Right for You?

If you have already done individual work or are ready to focus exclusively on your relationship, these packages are tailored for couples’ sessions.

  • Couples who have completed individual healing journeys
  • Partners seeking to deepen their connection
  • Relationships ready for shared growth
  • Guided exploration and resolution of a new or longstanding issue  
  • Extending your work together or maintaining relationship growth.
  • Refreshers to reinforce trust and understanding.

All Sessions are two hours each.

Quarterly Check-In


Use for quarterly maintenance check-ins over a year.

4 two hours couples’ sessions


Relationship maintenance


Fine tune issues arising


Quarterly progress review

Thoughtful Resolution


Explore and resolve an urgent and complex concern in your relationship. 

8 two hours couples’ sessions


Focus on a specific issue


Find the root for resolution 


Regular progress tracking


To be used within 3 months

Deep Transformation


When you are at a threshold in your relationship and ready to deep dive and resolve a longstanding issue between you. 

12 two hours couples’ sessions


Comprehensive transformation


Long-term relationship growth


Extended support system


To be used within 6 months

Our Combined packages offer a holistic approach, addressing both personal growth and relationship dynamics for comprehensive healing.

Combining individual and couples’ sessions provides the most effective way to transform your relationship. Individual sessions allow each person to work through inner issues, clarify their needs, and gain confidence. This clarity enriches couples’ sessions, making them more productive in resolving conflicts and restoring the connection you desire.


  • Couples wanting to address individual patterns
  • Relationships affected by personal challenges
  • Partners seeking both individual and shared growth
  • Balance of personal and relationship healing
  • Safe space for individual exploration
  • Inner clarity and confidence for each individual.
  • Productive and meaningful resolution of relationship conflicts.

All Sessions are two hours each.

Specific Issue Resolution


To be used within 3 Months

✓ Individual sessions:


✓ Couples sessions:


Focused conflict resolution


Personal growth focus

Longstanding Issue


To be used within 6 months

✓ Individual sessions: 20


✓ Couples sessions: 8


Deep transformation work


Comprehensive healing

Major Breakthrough


To be used within 9-12 months

✓ Individual sessions: 40


✓ Couples sessions: 14


Complete relationship renewal


Lifetime support access

All soul sessions are two hours each.

Your Happily Ever After Awaits
Claim Your Exclusive Gift!

  • Is your intimate relationship at a crossroads?
  • Are you ready to recommit to your happiness together?

Submit your details below to receive an exclusive video sharing my philosophy and guidance for successful intimate couple relationships. 

Lead Generation Form For STSC with Couples Data

And what of Marriage?

“And he answered saying: You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days. 
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God. But let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.  Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. 
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. 
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. 
Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.”

The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran

What Clients Say About Their Transformation

Real Stories of Healing, Growth, and Connection

“When I decided to see Ambreen, I was looking for a Family Constellations group in Ottawa because I felt I needed guidance, and I was struggling with anxiety and uncertainty in life. Alternative therapies helped me in the past, especially Family Constellations, and I wanted to be able to continue seeing such type of groups.
Ambreen helped me see light in the darkness, she helped me recover a certain confidence that was lost for a while and many things started to make sense. I also realized that after few meetings and one weekend workshop life just started to go back on track and good news started to arrive. That is how powerful this therapy is and can impact your life. I am looking forward to the next meetings and workshops as I still believe there are so many things to be ‘fixed’ yet!”


“My work with Ambreen has been transformative to say the least. I was looking for a counsellor who is a woman of colour with a spiritual approach and the appropriate professional credentials and found the perfect guide!

Ambreen’s holistic and soul-centred approach with deep professional counselling experience was just what I needed. Her two hour sessions give us enough time to do deep dives. Ambreen is helping me centre myself and embrace my unique path and heal from various traumas. At the same time, she’s lighthearted and fun to work with, often sharing her own trials and tribulations.

It’s been a blessing to work with Ambreen and I highly recommend working with her.”

G. Y.