Intimate Couple Relationships

Wondering What Happened to Your Happily Ever After?

You never imagined it could get so bad between you—that you would feel so conflicted and in conflict with your loved one that your relationship is in serious jeopardy. One or both of you are so hurt, angry and disillusioned that you seriously wonder how you will continue in the relationship. The constant conflict over the same issue brings up the same debilitating feelings because there seems to be no resolution to your problem.

Maybe you have come back from the brink before, but this time you’re not sure it’s even possible. You just know you can’t continue this way any longer. The one you counted on to have your back and give you the love you need seems to be a stranger. You may be suffering the loss of your precious hopes of intimacy and love in silence. The tension underlying your daily life together is palpable and untenable. You are both ready to give it one more serious try before you end it. I’ll be honest; couples counselling has a bad track record for success.

That’s why my experience and training has led me to approach couples work very differently. I firmly believe
that the problems which exhibit themselves in our most intimate relationship have their roots deep inside us, our own experiences, conditioning and past wounding. When the honeymoon is over, we look to our intimate partner to give us the love we need, the way we need it. Our partner is looking for the very same thing from us. So, dreams, expectations and needs collide and our individually imagined happily ever after seems lost in disillusionment and deep disappointment .

Based upon 30 years of professional training and experience, I have developed a method to help couples who are ready to delve deeply to the root of their relationship issues.First, each individual works privately and confidentially with me to get to the root of their own personal issues. As we come to a resolution for each individual, we engage in couple sessions in which each partner can articulate clearly what they need from the other, develop compassion and deep understanding of their life mate. Rather than contentious compromise, both partners arrive at an organic way forward in their relationship which is uniquely their own.

Self awareness, self knowledge and self acceptance, allow for the greatest possibility of living in
peace, harmony and true love with our partner. 

Love Yourself
Love your Beloved
Love your Life

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