The Breaking Point: When Life Calls Us Back to Ourselves

You Are More Than Your Struggles: A Journey to Remembering I am Nur Ambreen Ihsanullah, founder at Soul to Soul counselling, experienced therapist, teacher and spiritual healer for over 30 years now. The people I work with are successful in the external world; they’ve checked all the boxes, taken care of the people in their […]

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy: Love and Unity for Soulful Growth

Welcome to Soul To Soul Blogs, where we explore the timeless truth of love and unity woven through the tapestry of our collective human experience. Today, we honor the birth and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose life’s work and message continue to resonate across the decades, inspiring transformations of the heart and […]

New Decade: Spark Your Personal Transformation in 2025

personal transformation

Time to Make a Change for Personal Transformation Welcome to 2025—a year rich with possibility and promise. Nine days of the new year have already slipped through the hourglass, giving us just enough time to sense whether our latest resolutions are sticking or slipping away. Perhaps you woke up on January 1st energized by fresh […]

Conscious Parenting: Transformative Wisdom by Khalil Gibran

Close-up of a parent and child holding hands, symbolizing conscious parenting and nurturing guidance.

Conscious Parenting Inspired by Khalil Gibran (1883–1931) “And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said,Speak to us of Children.…Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.” These lines, taken from Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet, offer a timeless reminder that our children come through us […]

Soulful Awakening: Exploring the Infinite Beauty of Spring’s Renewal

Vibrant flowers opening in a sunlit garden, symbolizing renewal and soulful awakening.

Soulful Awakening: Delving into the Spiritual Riches of the Season Dear Seeker, This time of year brims with possibility and promise—a season of rebirth, resurrection, rejuvenation, and reunion for mind, body, and soul. With the recent passing of the Spring Equinox, our planet tilts toward new light, unfreezing the slumbering soils of winter and allowing […]

We long to belong…and suffer to have the love we need.

Life is moving fast in this new age and the pressures of expectations to have it all together are enormous in a world that is changing moment by moment. It is hard to find stability in a world that seems to be unravelling and  hard to know who and what to trust.It’s imperative to get […]

Expanding our capacity for love

February 14, the day officially designated for love, is upon us. I facetiously like to say that February should be designated the “month of love,” and as the shortest month of the year, it should not be too taxing for us to focus on love for 27 or 28 days out of the year. By the […]

Dear Seeker: Embrace Spiritual Renewal This Spring

In March, Spring Equinox heralded, the rebirth of the natural life cycle on earth following a long winters of rest. Spring is a time of renewal, of growth, and of new beginnings. It is a time when the world awakens from its winter slumber, bursting forth with fresh energy and vitality. And as we move […]

Return to the One in You!

We yearn for the the Love which will fulfill us, allow us to feel whole and complete, experience the deep peace, freedom and joy of our imagining. We follow the teachings of our society; the expectations inherent in the systems, institutions and culture in which we live. We conform, comply, even contort to achieve and […]

IV – Passion Fulfilled

The Dream DeferredWhat happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry uplike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore—And then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over—like a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sagslike a heavy load.Or does it explode?  Langston Hughes, “Harlem” from Collected Poems I’d like to conclude this series on […]