The Passionate Life

“Let yourself be silently drawn bythe stronger pull of what you truly love.It will not lead you astray.” // Rumi Living by your passion means living surrendered to what you deeply love and desire for yourself. When you surrender to your soul’s vision and mission for you, it will lead you on the path that is […]
Diving Deep to Source

What I Did On My Summer Vacation… 1) I followed my own motto’ Reclaim Yourself! Love Yourself! Live Yourself! I took the whole month of August off for R&R for the first time in 5 years!” After returning home to Ottawa from a four-year adventure living and working overseas, I restarted my private practice in […]
Intimate Couple Relationships

Wondering What Happened to Your Happily Ever After? You never imagined it could get so bad between you—that you would feel so conflicted and in conflict with your loved one that your relationship is in serious jeopardy. One or both of you are so hurt, angry and disillusioned that you seriously wonder how you will […]
The Gift of Thanksgiving

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I hope you all found a moment for peace, reflection and joy in your hearts over this long weekend. This is my favourite holiday of the year, bar none and only for the obvious stated in the name thanksgiving! I do find many moments throughout each day to […]
YOU are the CENTER of the UNIVERSE

No matter what you have been told, actually you are the Center of the Universe— Life lives through you. Your first and most significant relationship is with yourself. What you experience, believe, think, feel and do in your life, matters greatly, as it creates the reality you experience. When you lead, live, love from your core, […]
The Return to Love

February 14, the day officially designated for love, will soon be upon us. I facetiously like to say that February should be designated the “month of love” and as the shortest month of the year, it should not be too taxing for us to focus on love for 27 or 28 days out of the year. […]
Honoring Our Mothers

To honour our mother is to honour life itself. We are all born of a woman who nurtures us in her body and births us forth into this life. This physical and biological reality of literally being part of another human being, our mother, is our primary life experience from conception onwards. No matter how good […]
Celebrating Fathers
Father literally serves as our gateway into this “manmade” world. He provides the foundation and structure which supports the essence of life on this material plane. Father is the living instructional manual and model for survival and success within the cultures and structures of our societies. From the beginning of life, the baby is a part of […]
Come Home to Yourself

You are the Center of your universe; all your relationships start and end with you. Therefore your relationship with yourself is pivotal. What you think, feel and experience matters. What you say and do matters. … because whatever is inside you will be projected outward into the world and reflected back to you in your […]
New Decade: Time to Make a Change

So it’s 2020. A new year; a new decade. You resolve to begin afresh, recommit to abandoned goals and desires. Barely do you venture forth when the old problems, old wounds, old emotions and thought patterns impinge on the endeavour. January reality check. Even if you managed to put internal burdens down for Christmas and holiday season […]