YOU are the CENTER of the UNIVERSE

No matter what you have been told, actually you are the Center of the Universe— Life lives through you. Your first and most significant relationship is with yourself. What you experience, believe, think, feel and do in your life, matters greatly, as it creates the reality you experience. When you lead, live, love from your core, you have the power to create everything you really want in your life.

My work and life experience have shown me that our pain, conflicts and difficulties in life are primarily the result of a disconnect from our core self and soul guidance. We are all conditioned by our society, culture, family and primary caregivers — mother and father. Unfortunately, for many, this socialization is detrimental to healthy growth and development.

Even with the most optimal upbringing and socialization, we all experience life challenges, wounding and pain which, on the one hand, may positively motivate us to grow to our soul’s potential and mission. However, if  we become entrenched in our wounding, or the inherited traumas of our parents and ancestors, we can end up stuck and contracted, living life through our pain and fear.

During this prolonged period of isolation and retreat, you have a unique opportunity to remember yourself, reclaim yourself and rejuvenate yourself. Now is the time to release the layers of conditioning keeping you stuck. Now is the time to heal old wounds, resolve debilitating pain and free yourself to live from the clarity, comfort and confidence of your inner intelligence and guidance.

Now is the time to remember, recover and reclaim yourself. When you are connected to yourself and your soul’s guidance, you have the internal resources, calm, clarity and confidence you need to live life authentically and make your satisfying contribution to the world.

Warms regards,
Nur AmbreenIhsanullah

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